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STIMUL project team visits beetroot field trials

June 2018 - For the first time, beetroot trials were set up in 2018 in the framework of Life STIMUL project. Beetroot trials were sowed in 7 different locations in 2 countries: 3 trials in Germany and 4 trials in the northern part of France. The project team visited 3 of the 4 French beetroot trials in June to evaluate the quality of the field trials and perform observations in fields regarding the performances of the biostimulants.
Each of the trials visited was divided in two parts, one with full nitrogen input and the other one without nitrogen input. The trial without nitrogen was less homogeneous with a lower coverage of the soil. The plants with full nitrogen input were greener and more developed. Hence, the suppression of the nitrogen input hasd a clear impact on the plant development. Will the STIMUL biostimulant seed treatment permit to compensate the input reduction? Answer expected in November 2018 with the harvest!