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Analysis of corn and soybean 2019 field trials

November 2019 - LIFE STIMUL team has received in the last weeks the harvest data of corn and soybean field trials sowed in spring 2019. The statistical analysis of the data was conducted by the project team. The first step is to quantify the gain of yield triggered by the biostimulant for the different crops. The averaged results over 2019 field trials network for corn and soybean are presented in the following chart. 

For corn, the biostimulant at a dose rate of 0.2 kg/qt triggered a relative yield increase of +3.2%, whereas a relative increase of +2.9% was observed at the same dose rate on soybean crop. Hence, based on 2019 field trials results, we can conclude that the biostimulant applied at 0.2 kg/qt significantly increased corn and soybean yield compared to the untreated check. In the next few weeks, further analyses of the data will be conducted to evaluate if this yield increase could compensate for a decrease of water inputs.