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Organization 2018 field trials campaign

March 2018 - At the beginning of 2018 one of the main missions of the STIMUL project team is to organize the 2018/2019 field trials campaign. The main objective of this third campaign is to gather more agronomic results on the best performing modalities identified with the previous campaigns. Compared to 2017 campaign, we reduced the number of modalities in order to increase the number of trials conducted in Europe. A high number of different locations were selected to assess the biostimulant performances in a variety of conditions: climatic zones, type of soil, crops variety, cultural practices…


What is more, for 2018 campaign, the field trials were extended to new crops in order to assess the efficiency of our biostimulant solutions on a wider range of crops. Hence in 2018 spring campaign, field trials on sunflower and beetroot will also be conducted in parallel to the corn and soybean trials. Regarding winter crops, field trials on rapeseed will also be conducted whereas the decision was taken to do not renew trials on wheat.


As for the previous campaigns, field trials will be conducted all around Europe with in total 91 trials implanted in France, Italy, Serbia, Hungary, Germany, Spain and Poland.



trial table