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Field trials visit in Greece

February 2020 - For the second time since the beginning of the project, LIFE STIMUL team travelled to Greece to visit wheat field trials. This year, the trials in Greece are located in two distinct regions: two trials are located in the northern part of the country in the region of Thessaloniki and two trials in the region of Larissa. The locations of the trials were selected with the objective to study the performances of the biostimulants in hydric stress conditions. 

For all these trials, 3 biostimulant treatments are compared to an untreated reference. During two days, the team visited the four different trials with the objective to perform field observations and to evaluate the quality of the trials implemented by the contractor. At the time of the visit, the wheat plants were at the ideal stage for observations: a root system not too developed such as it is easy to remove plants to observe the root system. No differences were visible between the biostimulant and the control entries regarding the development of the aerial part of the plants, on the contrary a noticeable enhancement of the root system was observed with the biostimulant treatment.