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Launch of the last field trials campaign!

March 2020 - The main objective of the project team for the first months of 2020 was the organization of the last field trials campaign that will be conducted in the framework of LIFE STIMUL project. In 2020, we are organizing the fifth field trials campaign on spring crops. The objective of the trials campaigns is the same since the beginning of the project: assess the possibility offered by the biostimulant to significantly reduce the use of agricultural inputs.

For the 2020 campaign, field trials on sunflower, corn and soybean will be conducted over four different countries. In total, 52 trials are organized in France, Italy, Hungary and Romania. The trials should be sowed in the different countries by the end of May. In terms of input reduction, for corn and soybean we will study the reduction of water inputs by irrigation whereas for sunflower we will study the suppression of nitrogen fertilizer inputs.