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Second field trials campaign launched!

June 2017 - After the treatment of the corn and soybean seeds at Aegilops facility in March 2017, the treated seeds were sent to contractor for sowing field trials. Today, all the soybean and corn trials for the second STIMUL campaign were sowed. 
Field trials are performed in diverse geographical zones to assess the biostimulant performances in different conditions: climatic zones, type of soil, crops variety, cultural practices… For each crop, trials are performed in 3 different European countries selected on the basis of their ranking in terms of volume production per year, hence those countries are not the same for the different crops. For corn, trials are performed in France, Italy and Hungary and for soybean in France, Italy and Serbia. 
For each location, two different trials are performed in parallel on the parcel, one with standard cultural practices and the other one with low cultural practices. In total, 26 trials were sowed for corn and 22 trials for soybean this year for STIMUL project, it represents 1728 microplots to observe, note and harvest!