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Ethics & Compliance
Ethics and Compliance

Human Rights

Human Rights

At Syensqo, we are deeply committed to business integrity and to the principles that form the foundation of the way we do business, including respecting human rights. Upholding human rights goes beyond mere compliance with local laws and regulations; it aligns with the core ethics and values outlined in our Code of Business Integrity and Supplier Code of Business Integrity. These principles guide us in our actions and decisions within Syensqo and across our business partnerships. 

In 2024 we established a cross-functional taskforce led by Ethics & Compliance to advance our human rights due diligence journey and address potential gaps. We are dedicated to continuously improving and strengthening our approach to uphold human rights across all stages of our operations and our supply chain. We have developed a risk management system that includes human rights and that helps us identify, assess, and address risks. We expect our suppliers to adhere to the same standards. More details can be found in our Human Rights Progress Report below.

Sustainable Guar Initiative - Women empowerment - kitchen garden
Report 2024

Human Rights Progress Report

In 2024 we published our first stand-alone Human Rights Progress Report, available here, which details our human rights principles, journey, and progress. The report highlights our proactive response to the evolving regulatory landscape and global human rights challenges. The report showcases our commitment to human rights, our journey, key achievements and identifies opportunities for continuous improvement.

Human Rights Policy

We reviewed and updated our Human Rights Policy in 2024. For more details, please consult the policy here.


Feedback and Reporting Concerns

Should you have any feedback regarding human rights, we encourage you to contact us at

For concerns or potential breaches related to human rights, we invite you to use the Syensqo Speak Up channel and submit a report through our Ethics Helpline. This channel is open to both Syensqo employees and third parties, including employees of our suppliers.


Additional reports

This section provides mandatory reports and compliance documents required by various jurisdictions.

Conflict Minerals

At Syensqo, we are committed to respecting human rights and promoting responsible sourcing practices. Our Conflict Minerals Policy supports the global responsible sourcing of tin, tantalum, tungsten and gold from conflict and high risk areas.  

Our Policy has been updated in 2024, please consult it here.