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Metal Treatment
Metal Treatment


Advanced Additives for Metal Treatment Challenges

As industries evolve and manufacturers explore new metals for their products, formulators must offer advanced chemical mixtures that address unique industry challenges. The obstacles faced by manufacturers are widespread, ever-evolving, and vary depending on their specific market. Accordingly, Syensqo engineers versatile ingredients for metal treatment that deliver functionality and reliable performance and can be tailored to address the challenges of each unique application.

Environment, Safety and Regulations

Performance of Rhodoclean EFC V2  (1)

Although NPE/APE surfactants have historically been effective in metal treatment processes, research has revealed how these ingredients can be harmful to the environment and human health. In response to new regulations limiting the use of these ingredients in metal cleaning, Syensqo has created NPE/APE-free surfactants that maintain excellent performance in the most demanding applications. Syensqo's Rhodoclean® EFC V2 is specially designed to replace NPE/APE surfactants and offers formulators outstanding versatility and detergency as a consistent wetting agent for metal cleaning.

In nearly every industry across the world, producers are prioritizing energy and resource efficiency throughout all stages of manufacturing. Solutions for metal treatment help manufacturers create more efficient processes that require fewer steps, reduce complexity, and produce less sludge that requires treatment.

Benchmark vs Cleaner

Syensqo's AddibondTM and AddikleenTM contribute to chemical mixtures that promote energy-efficient processing. These additives for metal treatment enable high-performance cleaning in low-temperature environments and aid producers in reducing the necessary space requirements for more energy-efficient manufacturing and reduced operational costs. For example, cleaning temperatures can be dropped to 45°C with AddikleenTM T4 KD or Rhodoclean® EFC V2 and even room temperature with no or limited compromise on performance, saving energy and water and reducing carbon footprint. 

In addition, AddibondTM can boost room temperature conversion methods to bring extra paint adhesion and therefore provide longer corrosion resistance. 

Although chromium-based solutions are highly effective, the potential environmental and health consequences have led global regulatory agencies to ban the use of these materials in metal treatment. Formulators are searching for ways to develop chromium-free conversion coatings that maintain high levels of performance without resulting in negative health and environmental effects. To meet these new industry regulations, Syensqo provides additives for chrome-free metal treatment and conversion, such as the AddibondTM range, that meet demanding performance requirements in a range of industries. 

Powder.coated.aluminum-Performance Process Used (2)

Heavy metals have traditionally been used to enhance performance in formulations for metal treatment, but these ingredients can have far-reaching effects after processing is complete. Formulators are developing new mixtures for metal treatment and conversion that are free of heavy metals, but provide impressive performance. Syensqo's AddibondTM range of additives for conversion treatment can improve paint adhesion performance, resulting in better corrosion resistance properties, while maintaining the benefits of Ti/Zr solutions, such as remaining free of toxic heavy metals and managing wastewater production.

As environmentally friendly initiatives become popular around the globe and in all industries, manufacturers are looking at new phosphorous-free metal treatment solutions as an alternative to traditional phosphate coatings. In addition to offering more environmentally friendly solutions, phosphorous-free cleaning and conversion formulations for metal treatment promote cost savings by reducing energy, maintenance and waste treatment requirements.

Syensqo's advanced ingredients help formulators develop phosphorous-free metal cleaners that minimize environmental impact and remain highly effective during treatment. Product ranges including Rhodoclean®, Antarox® and Fentacare® all have options for phosphorus-free ingredients.


Cost efficiency (Performance vs Cost)

Cleaning performance

Low-temperature cleaning baths are one of today’s most common methods for improving cost efficiency in metal treatment processing. However, low-temperature metal cleaning presents its own unique challenges, such as increased foam production. Syensqo designs ingredients for low-temperature metal cleaners to properly utilize low-temperature baths during the metal cleaning process. Antarox® 2222 offers excellent cleaning performance in dip and spray cleaning and impressive wetting properties, even in temperatures as low as 35°C. 

 AddikleenTM range comprises products designed for a variety of operating conditions, such as temperature, pH or cleaning method. AddikleenTM T2 KD, for example, has been developed for alkaline low pressure cleaning at 25°C. 

Cleaning Improvement


Sludge can be an unintentional and undesirable byproduct of metal treatment processes and requires significant use of resources to control. Although many sludge free processes have been designed, they often have a gap in performance with traditional but less environmental friendly processes. Syensqo's range of AddibondTM products enhance eco-friendly processes and improve paint adhesion where other green products have been ineffective. 

Manufacturers in a range of markets must find ways to ensure adhesive bonding, paint adhesion and corrosion resistance in increasingly demanding environments. In response to changing industries and applications, formulators for metal treatment and conversion must develop solutions that improve these properties in a cost-effective process. Syensqo's additives for adhesion improvement and corrosion resistance, such as AddibondTM and AddikleenTM, enhance formulations by promoting efficient metal cleaning and improving adhesion between metals and organic layers. 

Example of paint adhesion improvement (1)


New Working Conditions (Substrate, Oils, Process, etc.)

Producers must adapt to the changing needs of customers and often require new solutions to address unexpected problems. In many cases, manufacturers use innovative materials to solve today’s unique application-specific problems, and formulators must adapt to these unfamiliar surfaces when creating solutions for metal treatment. For example, aluminum alloys are becoming increasingly popular in the construction industry, but require additional treatment to ensure these parts can withstand exposure to demanding conditions. AddikleenTM, Rhodoclean®, Antarox® and Rhodafac® product ranges provide formulators with impressive versatility and reliable performance to meet the challenges posed by new surfaces used in metal treatment processes. 

Additionally, for cost and efficiency optimization, pieces can sit for some time after being worked, formed or processed and before they are treated. As a consequence, the oil or metal working fluids used to produce the piece or protect it temporarily against corrosion may sit on the surface. As these fluids age, soot and other substances can react with the surface and make it more challenging to clean. Powerful cleaning formulations with metal cleaning additives from Syensqo can address these difficult substances and promote effective metal cleaning.

AddikleenTM T4 KD cleaning performance in various situations 

Versatility od Addikleen

Foam Height (1)

 As low-temperature cleaning becomes increasingly popular due to the potential for energy savings, formulators must find low foam cleaners that promote foam control throughout the metal cleaning process. Low foam cleaners are also needed as spray cleaning systems are increasing in popularity because they allow an increased manufacturing intensity as well as floor space savings. Unmanaged foam can inhibit manufacturers’ ability to clean metals efficiently, so formulators must utilize versatile and high-performing ingredients that limit foam in all environments, including in low temperatures.

Syensqo's AddikleenTM is designed to give formulators flexibility as they develop solutions to ensure foam control during metal treatment. Additionally, Antarox® 2222 is suitable for use in high-pressure spray cleaners and can be used in combination with degreasers for applications that require silicone-free, ultra-low foam like spray cleaning. 

Foam volume (1)


Cleaning oxidized organic residues on metal surfaces is a challenging step in the metal cleaning process, as these materials maintain low surface energy and strong adsorption power on metal surfaces. For example, ash on CRS coils, carbon ash on stainless steel and model release agents on dicasted AI all provide an additional challenge that manufacturers must address during the metal cleaning process. Syensqo's metal cleaning additives provide formulators with options that promote effective carbon particle removal.