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Capture Greater Value From Flotation with Connected Chemistry 

In mineral processing, productivity improvements are often focused on optimizing equipment and operating conditions. Yet, chemistry also has a vital role to play, and its potential grows when linked with live plant data, which is largely underutilized today due to the high volume collected and complexity in interpretation.

SmartFloat™ provides another tool for flotation operations to implement improvements, just as  SolvExtract®  has done for solvent extraction since its launch in 2019. SmartFloatTM is a new digital platform that empowers mine operators to boost flotation performance through real-time recommendations for reagent optimization, or smart mining chemistry. Built on our 100+ years of mining chemistry expertise, SmartFloatTM is going after additional improvements to grade/recovery, beyond what mines are achieving through equipment and operational improvements. With SmartFloatTM, we aim to offer a practical solution for today’s mining professionals to make flotation simpler, more sustainable and more efficient.

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How Does SmartFloatTM Work? 

SmartFloatTM dynamically adjusts reagent chemistry in response to ore feed and operating conditions, thereby helping mines reduce performance fluctuations and maximize recovery. Because it is continuously connected to a live data feed and leverages historical data, SmartFloatTM formulations improve over time as the digital mining solution is used. 

Like Syensqo’s proprietary Flotation Matrix 100TM approach, SmartFloatTM supports customers in identifying the optimal flotation reagent based on their unique mineralogy and operating environment. But with SmartFloatTM, Syensqo is able to recommend more specific multi-reagent frameworks. SmartFloat™ is also a perfect complement to the Syensqo Cube, a state-of-the-art dosing system that enables more precise blending and dosing control of reagent building-block chemicals. The data and insights gathered by SmartFloat™, together with the Cube’s formulation capabilities, can be used to automate reagent injection into the flotation cell.

Syensqo SmartFloat Graphic


A Digital Mining Solution That Helps You Achieve More, Faster

With access to our live formulation capabilities, we work together with customers to achieve:

  • Faster & Optimized Reagent Selection- Through SmartFloatTM, Syensqo helps mines respond quickly to changes in ore composition, automatically selecting optimized reagents specific to each processing environment. 
  • Enhanced Performance - SmartFloatTM implementation can lead to incremental recovery and/or grade improvements.


  • Reagent Customization - SmartFloatTM is customized to fit your unique workflow and cater to your specific needs. 
  • Better Bottom Line - SmartFloatTM boosts your business’ performance and earnings by empowering mine operators and optimizing mining efficiency. 
  • Reliable Value and Peace of Mind - Customers enjoy consistent flotation improvements due to enhanced process stabilization and Syensqo’s continuous monitoring and analysis.