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Webinar #1
Lubricant Components and Metalworking Fluids Additives

STLE 2024

STLE 2024

Syensqo, a leader in lubricant components and metalworking fluids additives, will showcase its latest functional and sustainable solutions at the upcoming STLE 2024 Annual Meeting & Exhibition in Minneapolis, Minnesota from May 19 to 23. Learn directly from Syensqo specialists as they demonstrate a range of innovative solutions, including Syensqo's One Planet ambition and next-generation tribology technologies for EV and Metalworking fluids. Interested in hearing from our experts? Stop by Booth 223 at STLE Conference and join our live talks.


SAPS-free Bio-based additives for lubrication in Next-Generation Vehicles

Xin He

Xin He | Sr. Scientist II, Syensqo

Where: EV

When: 8:40am CST, Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Commercial vehicle OEMs rely heavily on engine oil containing sulfated ash, phosphorus, and sulfur (SAPS) to achieve superior lubrication performance, while these elements are detrimental to the environment and sustainability. To overcome this issue, Syensqo has developed an advanced synthesis technology enabling the production of SAPS-free bio-based twin-tail amine derivatives that exhibit similar lubrication properties. Experiments have been conducted in Group III base oils for various aspects. The top candidates outperformed the benchmark additives in terms of wear resistance and friction coefficients. The copper corrosion is negligible for the newly developed additives. Additional analysis suggested that the recently invented additives possess significant possibilities for use in the realm of electric vehicles (EVs).


New Polymeric AW Additves for Non ferrous MWF

Lucas Luz | Researcher, Syensqo

Where: Nonferrous Metals

When: 11:00am CST, Thursday, May 23, 2024

The increasing usage of lighter alloys for weight reduction, and more regulations leading towards less phosphorus containing additives are important drivers to develop new additives to enable fluid formulators to overcome some of today’s and future most pressing challenges. 

Polymeric additives containing phosphorus are a great strategy to provide the ideal lubricity and stain protection over the substrate while reducing the phosphorus content of the formulation. This presentation is going to introduce polymeric additives under development and some data to demonstrate how they can be incorporated into metalworking fluids formulation as an option of the classical phosphate ester technology.


Feel free to contact us in advance to schedule a face-to-face meeting at STLE 2024.