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Producing Lubricant, Film and Polymer Solutions for Sensors

Syensqo's Fomblin® PFPE and Ajedium™ films are top-of-the-line materials for functional coatings and film to protect the sensing element. With its piezo-electric abilities, mechanical properties and easy processing, Solvene® EAP, a family of ferroelectric polymers, is ideal for printed sensors, actuators and energy harvesting devices.

  • Fomblin® PFPE - An exceptional lubrication for sensors, Fomblin® PFPE decreases fretting and wear, maintains good electrical properties and protects the surface of sensors against corrosive atmosphere. It is ideal for applications that must be dielectric, inert, stable and non-reactive and require extremely low evaporation loss, good viscosity and thermal stability. 
  • Solvene® EAP - A family of ferroelectric polymers, Solvene® EAp combines excellent electromechanical properties with easy processing. It exhibits a unique blend of piezo, pyro and ferroelectric properties and does not need extensive post-treatment to be electroactive. It can instead be processed by classic extrusion, printing techniques on various substrates and more.   
  • Ajedium™ Films - As a full spectrum of high-performance and developmental thermoplastics, Ajedium ™ films offer characteristics not found in commodity films, metals or ceramics and enable sensors to meet stringent specifications for high temperature, high purity or specific requirements to display strength, clarity, weatherability, dielectric, chemical resistance or ignition properties.