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Airbus A320 NEO engine. Modern aircraft


Discover Solutions for Propulsion Systems

Syensqo’s portfolio of aircraft engine and nacelle materials provides aircraft OEMs with a range of beneficial performance and processing capabilities. Our extensive selection of aerospace propulsion solutions includes high-quality, dependable thermoplastic composites, specialty polymers, additives and primers and more.


Composite Material Solutions

  • CYCOM® - For challenging composite applications, the CYCOM® brand offers enhanced support during processing systems and provides excellent structural performance. This line of epoxy resins and prepregs resins are useful for critical propulsion system applications, such as blades, carters. Key applications include fan blades, face cases, OGVs, nose cones, air inlets and more.
  • MTM® - This toughened epoxy system is developed for the needs of high-quality components exposed to demanding operational environments. Particularly, MTM® 49-L is particularly suited for fan cases. Key applications where MTM® performs outstandingly include acoustic panels and trench fillers.
  • Aeropaste® - Designed to keep up with the production demands of rapid assembly, Aeropaste® adhesives increase manufacturer efficiency and blade dependability. Key applications include fan blades and OGVs.
  • BR® - Renowned for its corrosion inhibition, BR® adhesive bonding primers offer impeccable surface protection and preparation for aircraft engine materials and propulsion components. BR® adhesive bonding primers perform in a range of metals and surfaces exposed to extreme-demand environments.
  • PRISM® - PRISM® resin infusion products deliver enhanced primary structure level performance without limiting the type of processing. PRISM® supports manufacturers that adjust to the needs of geometrically complex parts and a broad range of textiles. Key applications include nose cones and blades.
  • Avimid® - Avimid® meets demanding aerospace environments, including high temperature and mechanically challenging end-use scenarios in various aircraft engine and nacelle components. Avimid® polyamide materials were developed to tolerate high temperatures, maintain durability, and address performance needs.


Polymer Solutions

  • KetaSpire® PEEK - KetaSpire® PEEK exhibits high specific strength and modulus, exceptional chemical resistance to aircraft fluids, and excellent creep and fatigue resistance while offering non-corrosive, eco-friendly, long-term reliability. Key propulsion system applications for KetaSpire® PEEK include brackets, fasteners, friction and wear components, high-wear bushings, heat shields, hydraulic seals, wear plates and wear pads, mold inserts, and thrust reverser components.
  • Torlon® PAI - Torlon® PAI provides lightweight solutions that reduce labor costs. Key propulsion applications for Torlon® PAI include brackets, fasteners, friction and wear components and ingredients for coatings, high wear-bushings, heat shields, hydraulic seals, wear plates and wear pads, mold inserts, thrust reverser components, thermal isolators, gears, and screws.
  • Ajedium® Film - Made from Halar® ECTFE with additional plasma treatment, Ajedium® offers excellent adhesion to composite substrates and superior aesthetic surfaces. Syensqo’s high-performance Halar® ECTFE is used as a protective layer on the engine acoustic ring panel against the aggression of the harsh environment typical of the entrance of an aircraft engine. 
  • Tecnoflon® Fluoroelastomers (FKM) and Perfluorelastomers (FFKM) - These highly resilient synthetic rubbers retain critical properties in chemically aggressive environments at extreme temperatures. Tecnoflon® FKM and FFKM are also highly resistant to UV light and ozone and perform best in O-rings and seals for hydraulic systems. 
  • AvaSpire® PAEK - AvaSpire® PAEK features fatigue, creep, and chemical resistance. Its hot-wet performance matches the industry's key requirements for light and medium-duty structural applications. The excellent flame, smoke, and toxicity characteristics of most AvaSpire® PAEK grades are also key to the success in aircraft propulsion systems, particularly for high-wear bushings, heat shields, hydraulic seals, wear plates and pads, mold inserts, and thrust reverser components.