Specialty Polymers Lubricants
Specialty Polymers high-performance fluorinated lubricants have an unmatched combination of properties that deliver superior safety and reliability for high-caliber long-lasting lubrication.
The evolution of lubricants will be a deciding factor for the Hard Disk Drive industry in the roadmap for achieving higher storage densities.
Top Performing Lubricants
Perfluoropolyethers (PFPE) have been the lubricants of choice for over 30 years and today and they are still the only lubricants suited for use in Hard Disk Drives. Fomblin® PFPE excels in wear recovery, good wettability and film uniformity to ensure long lasting lubrication without head contamination. The Key Features of Fomblin® PFPE fluorinated lubricants are:
Flexible chain
Chemical and thermal stability
Low vapor pressure
Low surface tension