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Bayer Process Benefits

Benefits Across the Bayer Process

MAX HT® alumina scale inhibitor protects against sodalite scale and contributes to energy savings across various stages of the Bayer Process. Explore the comprehensive range of benefits that MAX HT® sodalite scale inhibitor offers. 

In Evaporators

MAX HT® provides improved process adaptability by allowing operators to find the optimal economic balance between caustic liquor and energy. A higher heat transfer coefficient promotes greater levels of evaporation, giving plant operators improved flexibility to run higher mud wash flows to reduce soda loss or limit the number of evaporators in service to reduce energy consumption. Additionally, the improved flashing as a result of MAX HT® scale inhibition results in lower live steam demand for the same evaporation rate, leading to enhanced evaporator economy. 

In Digesters

Heaters that are free of sodalite scale thanks to MAX HT® allow for more efficient processes, especially in digesters used in the Bayer Process. With cleaner live steam heaters, operators can achieve higher liquor-to-digester temperatures, eliminating the need to reduce liquor flows due to low digestion temperatures. Additionally, higher liquor-to-digester temperatures limit the need to inject steam directly into digesters, which reduces extraneous dilution, energy consumption and chemical treatment. In short, MAX HT® sodalite scale inhibitor gives alumina processors more flexibility to find alternative solutions that promote cost and energy savings for digesters.

For Overall Plant Stability

Plant stability promoted by MAX HT® scale inhibitor can contribute to a higher production rate and overall optimized processing throughout the Bayer Process. With clean heaters and interstage piping in evaporators and digesters, MAX HT® provides improved stability with constant stream flows, evaporation rates, liquor-to-digester flows, digest temperatures and digester blow-off temperatures.