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Webinar: Discover how superior chemical resistance gives longer life to household & kitchen appliances

How Chemical Resistance Polymers bring Value and Competitive Advantage in Household Appliances

The webinar was recorded on September 1, 2022.

As consumer expectations continue to raise the bar for appliance performance, design, and durability, material choice becomes increasingly more critical and challenging. Therefore, the successful replacement of metal and glass in coffee machines, air fryers, food processors, food service containers, and kitchen utensils can only be achieved by using highly engineered polymers that can resist to stress cracking, dishwasher chemical combinations, and regular exposure to microwaves. With the support of real-life case studies, the Syensqo Team will deep dive into:

  • Environmental Stress Cracking Resistance 
  • Dishwasher Resistance 
  • Microwave Staining Resistance

and demonstrate how the superior chemical performance of our range of specialty polymers can enhance the durability and sustainability of consumer appliances. We will also share how we can support your development along the whole value chain by offering virtual expertise, physical testing, onsite support during processing, and QC review & failure analysis.

So, if you’re interested in discovering how top-performing chemical-resistant polymers can bring value and competitive advantage to your applications, fill in the form to watch our recorded webinar and download the slidedeck.


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