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Webinar: Microplastic ban and its impacts on seed coating technologies

Watch our webinar and discover how to prepare for this challenge without compromising the seed coating performance.

The webinar was recorded on April 19, 2023 - 2.00 PM CET

Agricultural activity accounts for about 10% of the total microplastic release. One of the most ambitious restrictions of the EU Green New Deal to-date, the microplastics ban has a short to medium term expectation of impacting agricultural and horticultural uses including seed treatment.

In this webinar, Solvay’s Antoine Vielliard, Global Segment Director Seed Care welcomes the Head of Seed Care R&D Clara Vernay to lead an engaging discussion and presentation that covers a variety of topics, including:

  • Latest updates on microplastic ban
  • Microplastic-free challenge on seed coatings
  • Our microplastic-free offer
  • Conclusion, Perspectives and Q&A

 Fill in the form to watch our recorded webinar and find out more.

Agro Peridiam Webinar - Template Thumbnails for Gated assets

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